I Believe In the Fight

Cheryl Strayed:

“Sometimes the scorching holier-than-thou/you’re-for-or-against me positioning so many of us perform on social media gets to me. (I include myself in the people who may convey this vibe in some of my posts.) Sometimes I want to never write or see another word on social media again because those words often run counter to the complexity of humanity, not to mention the nuanced discussions about the issues and questions of the day. Forgive me if I have ever alienated you by something I posted. I believe in the fight, but I believe far more devoutly in love and mutual respect. I’m not talking about the haters and the ignorant homophobic/sexist/racist/small-hearts–for those people I have a wonderful tool called BLOCK. I’m talking about the times the conflict is about the finer points of what it means to be an ethical human in this profoundly evolving age. It’s important to remember that most of us have honest intentions and compassionate hearts, even when we disagree. The common thread of good will that runs like an unbreakable thread among us is more powerful than our arguments.”